The 3 Best Shampoos for Dogs that Smell

The 3 Best Shampoos for Dogs that Smell

Get rid of that stinky dog smell for good.

By Devon Golem July 14, 2021

Does your dog have that stinky ‘dog smell’ that just won’t seem to go away? Have you tried several shampoos and are wondering what to do?  Look no further than our list of Best Shampoos for Dogs That Smell.

What to look for in a Shampoo for Your Smelly Dog

There are two simple aspects to keep in mind when selecting a shampoo for your stinky pooch. Make sure that the shampoo is:

  1. Made for dogs
  2. Made for dogs that smell (with odor control in mind)

Can I use my own shampoo?

You love the scent of your shampoo and are sure that you would enjoy it if your dog had the same nice scent.  BUT, dog skin and hair is quite different than ours.  Dog shampoo is specifically formulated for their follicles, skin, and fur/hair.  It is very important that you do not use human shampoo or soap on your dog.  They could have a very bad reaction resulting in inflamed skin and dry, brittle hair. 

Odor Control in a Bottle

If your dog’s smell continues to linger after a bath, then you will want to switch to an odor-control shampoo. Shampoos that work specifically target the causes of the odors: unwanted microorganisms. Antibacterial, antifungal, and other antimicrobial characteristics of odor-control shampoos help stop the stink at its source.

Be weary of shampoos that rely on fragrances for odor control. As you may already know, you can only mask that musk for so long before it is back again…if it ever went away. The goal is to neutralize the causes of odor, not mask them.

About Our Short List of Best Shampoos for Dogs That Smell

After copious amounts of research, we narrowed our list to the top 3 shampoos for dogs that smell.

Arava Natural Medicated Dog Shampoo

This is a very special, unique shampoo for dogs that has antimicrobial properties (e.g. antibacterial, antifungal, anti-yeast, etc.).  You might be thinking that this is no different than many antibacterial, antifungal dog shampoos.  The big difference is the use of Dead Sea Minerals in this shampoo. 

The Dead Sea is a salt lake on the borders of Jordan and Israel. It is often a wellness retreat destination due to the healing powers of the minerals and mud within the lake.  If this sounds like hocus pocus to you, rest assured that the minerals that are included in this shampoo are magnesium, sodium, calcium, and potassium as well as chloride and bromide.  When applied to the skin of humans, these minerals have shown to have some great benefits.  So, what about when these minerals are applied to dogs?

The R & D team at Arava applied years of research as well as professional veterinary experience when developing this formula.  It not only contains Dead Sea Minerals, it also contains botanical and herbal oils such as pomegranate, rosemary, aloe vera, chamomile, fennel, and more.  This formula is all-natural and very safe for the most affected skin. 

The Arava Natural Medicated Dog Shampoo is one of our favorites.  Many reviewers, like us, have purchased this shampoo and have never turned back.  This one is definitely one you should try out.

(To learn more about the benefits of the Dead Sea Minerals, check out

PetHonesty Antibacterial & Antifungal Chlorhexidine Shampoo

Ignore the fact that you may not be able to pronounce all words within the name of this shampoo.  It’s not about the name…it’s what is inside the bottle that matters.  This antibacterial and antifungal shampoo is perfect for any dog with underlying skin issues that cause a musky to foul odor.  This shampoo treats all sorts of skin conditions such as inflammation, itchiness, infections, rashes, bug bites, and wounds.  This is great because many times a smelly dog has some underlying skin/fur issues.  Solve those issues with this shampoo. 

Gerrard Larriett Aromatherapy Shampoo & Conditioner

This aromatherapy shampoo and conditioner is an anti-itch shampoo that also neutralizes dog odor. It does not contain any parabens, fragrances, or potentially irritating chemical agents.  It does contain oatmeal, lavender oil, chamomile oil, aloe vera, and vitamin E oil.  All these oils provide the antibacterial, antifungal properties…and they smell good.  The smell is not overpowering yet leaves your dog free of that funky smell that you are trying to tackle. Consider it tackled.

Ways to Ensure Your Dog Won’t Smell

If you are still reading this article, then you have probably struggled with eliminating your dog’s odor.  Time and time again, you try new shampoos and products, and nothing works.  Professional grooming is only a temporary solution for you and is quite expensive.  If this is the case, then here are some tips that will help ensure that this is the last time that you look for anti-odor shampoos for your dog.

Shampoo Properly

Always make sure you read the instructions and follow them.  Often people do not follow the instructions and are surprised of unwanted effects.  For example, if you do not thoroughly rinse the shampoo from your dog’s hair (this is with any shampoo), then the residual may irritate your dog’s skin and cause itchiness, flakiness, and even lead to infection.

Instructions to pay attention to:

  1. Amount of shampoo to apply – dime size, an ounce, a handful?
  2. Method of application – foam in hands before applying or apply straight to wet fur?
  3. Areas to avoid – avoid face and muzzle or just eyes?
  4. Length of time – leave on for at least 1 min.? 5 min.? no more than 10 min.?
  5. Rinsing – rinse until clear running water is coming off coat? Rinse until scrubbing does not result in any suds?

Each of these aspects is crucial to properly shampooing your dog.  Grooming product manufacturers have developed these to ensure the promised results of their products.  Get what you paid for by using it well.

Dry Well

If your dog has an undercoat, you will want to consider blowing dry with no-to-low heat.  Some people use the reverse blow function on their wet vac to blow the excess moisture out of their dog’s coat.  Others use a hair dryer on the cool setting.

Why is it that important? The best way to explain is to liken the situation to a wet towel.  Let’s say you used a towel to dry off from the shower, then you put it in a place (such as in-between a stack of other towels) before you let it dry.  Imagine what that towel would smell like in a day, a week, or even a month.

MILDEW…the wet environment is a perfect place for microorganisms to breed.  For the same reason that we wear deodorant and antiperspirant, we need to make sure our dogs dry in a timely manner. 

Brush Well, Brush Often

Smelly dogs often have smelly skin and fur.  Dogs can get into all sorts of dirt and they make their own (e.g. dander, etc.).  Brushing on a regular basis promotes the release of the loose hair, dead skin, debris, and dirt that dogs have residing on their bodies.  The longer and fuller the hair, the more essential the brushing.

Our favorite is the Chris Christensen Big G Dog Slicker Brush which comes in a variety of sizes and works with a variety of fur/hair types. 

To learn more about brushes, check out ‘The Best Brushes for Your Golden Retriever‘.

Clip As Needed

Some dogs need to be clipped regularly while others do not.  You know your dog’s hair and know if this does not apply to you.  However, if you are dealing with too much shedding, musky dog odor, matts and tangles, then you may need to up your game when it comes to clipping your dog. 

You can either go to a professional groomer or you can clip your dog’s hair at home. 

Our favorite clipper is the Wahl Bravura which has an adjustable blade and is battery operated.

To learn more about clippers, check out our post ‘Best Clippers for Poodles and Doodles’.  You do not need to own a poodle or doodle to learn about the best clippers on the market.

Conclusion: The Best Shampoo for Dogs That Smell = No More Stinky Dog

Dealing with a smelly dog is not always fun and there are so many fluff products on the market that mask, but do not eliminate dog odor.  Save yourself some time and consider trying one of the 3 Best Shampoos for Dogs That Smell:

  1. Arava Natural Medicated Dog Shampoo
  2. PetHonesty Antibacterial & Antifungal Chlorhexidine Shampoo
  3. Gerrard Larriett Aromatherapy Pet Odor Eliminator